Portrait Gallery
Elazzi Family Session
Charbel + Sharon have been part of the GSP family since their first child. Sharon had an idea that we could do family portraits where they had their wedding photos done, whilst combining a fun day out at the park and new pup. Gorgeous sunlit results!
Sanjonia Family Session
Roe + Marlon have been part of the GSP family since 2014! A brilliant gift idea Roe organised for her parents - a fun day out at a local park with the family. As expected, the park was packed - it was a gorgeous Sunday after all. Two main challenges to this shoot: Shooting in direct sunlight (1pm) and a busy, crowded area. But with proper subject positioning techniques, using the harsh light to your advantage and injecting fun into the day will always prove to be your saving grace.
Lara, Roddy, Byron & Alexa
Cheese & Chocolate! Happy birthday Lara. Simply relish having the opportunity to spend time with your family every year to capture these fleeting moments. And this time, a new addition - Alexa!
Victoria + John Maternity Session
Totally in awe of Sydney sunsets - especially with Victoria and John!
Judah’s Newborn Session
There’s nothing like the first few weeks as new parents - the joy of seeing new life light up your home is brighter than the stars!